Complete Coverage

by Virginia
(Key West, FL, USA)

During the winter, I lived in the tropics, in the Southernmost City of the Continental United States.

During the summer, I traveled to an Oceanside resort in the North. I was in the sun on the beach for most of the twelve months of each year.

During this period I used a heavy coverage of a cream suntan #15 SPF lotion and I was very careful to reapply the lotion each time I came out of the water.

I reapplied the lotion faithfully many times during the day in case it was affected by the wind or perspiration.

I was confident that careful application would save me from the problems being publicized regarding overexposure to the sun.

Imagine my surprise when I found a small indentation on my skin, in the corner of my eye, between my nose and my eyelid, that bled when touched.

The doctor told me I had a basal cell carcinoma( Basal Skin Cancer )!

The cause of it was the constant sun exposure exacerbated by the lack of suntan lotion in that particular area because I avoided putting the lotion so close to my eyes.

The basal cell carcinoma was removed and several years later returned and had to be removed again.

I do believe my use of the #15 SPF was a good thing and am sorry that I was not as careful as I should have been in the coverage necessary to avoid Skin Cancer.

Facial Skin Cancer

Five Signs of Skin Cancer

Information on Skin Cancer

Malignant Melanoma Skin Cancer

Melanoma Skin Cancer

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