Glovely Bliss

by Duvessa
(El Paso, TX, USA)

Usually I really don't like to wear gloves to do anything but recently I have had to because of the weather changes.

Now I have to get up so early for work that I have to have driving gloves because the steering wheel is frozen solid.

I never thought it could get so cold in a car overnight but it does. I have to use them to drive if not my hands with absolutely freeze by the time I get where I am going.

Now normally I would say that they get in the way but I found a great pair that are light and have not very bulky.

That for me is the main problem with the gloves is that they need to be thin enough to work with but warm enough to be useful.

Thanks to my wonderful husband I found the best pair and they even have skulls on them. I love anything with skulls and they work great.

They are very warm but are thin enough for me to maneuver with. No more frozen hands for me this winter.

When the sun is out, my hands are still protected too!

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