Victoria's Secret Swimsuits

by Megan
(Columbus, OH, USA)

I have ordered multiple Victoria's Secret swimming suits from the annual swim catalog which comes out every spring.

All of the bathing suits in the catalog are so cute and they look fantastic.

I have never been self conscious about my body and normally look good in a swimsuit.

However, every time I get my bathing suit in the mail from Victoria's Secret there are a few things wrong.

It looks very different in person than it did in the magazine.

The fit is extremely awkward. The top is too small and the bottom is far too big (I always order the smallest size bottom). Also, it is just plain unflattering.

So what I would recommend to other people is that if you are going to order a bathing suit from the catalog, be sure you are ready and willing to send it back if you are not happy.

I personally am going to only shop for bathing suits in store from now on.

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