Baby Sunglasses are So Adorable

by Lukas
(Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India)

When my daughter was about ten months old my husband bought her a really cute pair to protect her eyes, since I had her outside in the stroller for sometimes an hour or two at a time.

She was the type of baby that would not have it. She would take them off the second I put them on.

It was so frustrating because not only were they there to protect her, but they were so cute!

I tried almost every time we went out in her stroller to put them on her but it never failed, she took them off again and just fiddled with them in her tiny hands as I pushed her along.

Of course, I had to protect her somehow so I did have her blocked from the sun with the roof of the stroller.

Finally, as she got older she started to enjoy wearing the baby sunglasses, thank goodness! She is now two years old and tries on every pair she sees.

Maybe it is because I kept trying to put them on her as a baby when we went out in the summer or maybe it is just because she is older now, who knows?

But she does enjoy wearing them and I am glad because I can rest assured that her eyes are protected in the summer when she plays outside or is at the beach.

There are so many cute pairs to choose from for boys and girls. My favorite for my daughter are Disney Princess sunglasses.

Finally, as she got older she started to enjoy wearing the baby sunglasses, thank goodness! She is now two years old and tries on every pair she sees.

Maybe it is because I kept trying to put them on her as a baby when we went out in the summer or maybe it is just because she is older now, who knows?

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