Heat Exhaustion is Dangerous

by Anonymous

Heat exhaustion is something that can affect anyone, but is especially dangerous for the elderly, children and those with compromised immune systems.

If you fit this category you should take extreme precautions in the heat.

Those who work outside or in countries with hot climates are also at higher risk.

If you feel dizzy outside or if you suddenly faint, you may be suffering from heat exhaustion.

The best thing to do to avoid heat exhaustion is to avoid prolonged activities in the heat.

If you cannot do this, you should try to stay hydrated and seek shelter from the sun.

When you are playing with your friends outside you should keep heat exhaustion in the back of your mind.

If your friends start to show signs of heat exhaustion you should let them know and try to make them comfortable by telling them to sit or lay down in a shaded place and offering them a cool drink of water.

Heat stroke or sun stroke can follow heat exhaustion, and if you or your friends are suffering from heat stroke you should seek medical attention.

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