Heat Exhaustion Stories and Experiences

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Completely Preventable 
As someone who worked several first aid stations for several different camps I can tell you that heat exhaustion is one of the most easily preventable …

First Time for Heat Exhaustion Not rated yet
I know that I'm sensitive to heat and that I don't feel good out in it. I had never been sick from it though. This summer I have started a garden and …

Heat Exhaustion and Natural Spring Water Not rated yet
I had an experience of hyperthermia or heat exhaustion when we were trekking on a steep mountain somewhere in the south of Thailand on a vacation. …

Heat Exhaustion and Dehydration Not rated yet
Heat exhaustion, where do I begin? When I joined the army, and went to basic training, they sent me to Fort Benning, Georgia. In my time …

Don't Make Light of the August Sun Not rated yet
It was the middle of August a few years ago here in Alabama, and I had just come back from the University to the church. We needed to have the grass …

Heat Exhaustion is Dangerous Not rated yet
Heat exhaustion is something that can affect anyone, but is especially dangerous for the elderly, children and those with compromised immune systems. …

Lisa's Heat Exhaustion Stories and Experiences Not rated yet
My name is Lisa and this is my story. My experience starts with a beautiful day in July 2000. I started out like any normal day. I was getting …

Heat Exhaustion Not rated yet
I was at my baseball practice in the beginning of August in Bradenton, Florida. It was about 90 degrees outside and I did not have much to drink …

Heat Exhaustion at a Fair Not rated yet
One of my best friends suffered heat exhaustion at a theme park in the area. It was one of our last days of high school, and as tradition, the …

The Day I Lost My Conscious  Not rated yet
I have once experienced heat exhaustion when I was standing for assembly in the sun at my school. It happened one morning when we had a longer session …

1st Time I suffered Heat Exhaustion Not rated yet
I've never been one of those people who love the heat. In fact I 'm just the opposite, with good reason. My first experience with heat exhaustion …

Head Protection on Glaciers Not rated yet
The Bertol mountain refuge is perched on a spine of rock in the Swiss Alps surrounded by glaciers. I frequently climb the glaciers to spend the night …

Midsummer Meltdown Not rated yet
For anyone who has lived in the middle of the desert I am sure you know what I am going through. Every year comes the dreaded heat wave that blankets …

How to Handle Heat Exhaustion. Not rated yet
Heat exhaustion is caused due to the continuous exposure to extreme temperatures and insufficient fluid quantity in a body. The elder persons, people …

The Vacation I Got Heat Exhausted Not rated yet
I have always reacted poorly to the heat of summer. I get stomach sickness and headaches galore during the summer. One summer I especially had it …

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