Protect Your Baby’s Eyes Early!

by SuzyQ
(Glen Allen, VA, USA)

There’s nothing as important as protecting your baby from life’s harmful influences.

Parents take great care in what they feed and clothe their children, yet it sometimes never dawns on them to take precautions with one of their child’s most precious resources – their eyes! Babies need sunglasses, too!

Studies show that exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays is cumulative. Over time, it can cause a myriad of problems.

That’s why it is so important to begin to protect young eyes at a very early age.

I only wish that my parents had all of this information available to them when I was growing up, so perhaps some of my eye problems could have been avoided.

That is why it has been so important for me to protect the eyes of my own children – from the time they were wee little!

Fortunately, I have a good friend in the eye care field, and he warned me early on about the harmful effects of UV rays on the eyes, stressing that babies and children were particularly vulnerable.

He gave me lots of good tips and prototypes of baby sunglasses to use on my kids.

In the beginning, it was a bit comical to see these large, dark eyeglasses on the faces of my little ones.

But as they grew older, they became accustomed to wearing dark glasses whenever they were outdoors.

They also found it to be a fun activity to shop for new sunglasses in different shapes, sizes and colors (Check out the “dollar” type stores for a great selection at affordable prices).

I remember my two daughters fighting over a pair of bright yellow sunglasses that was adorned with gaudy faux jewels; I had to find an identical pair to keep family harmony!

I will be forever grateful to my optometrist friend for making me aware that my babies needed sunglasses as much as I did – if not more.

Keep your own kids safe and protect their eyes with sunglasses. Start today!

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