Protect Your Eyes!

by Grace Ryan
(Auburn, NY, USA)

Protect your eyes, is what I learned from taking care of clients with Macular Degeneration.

Many people suffer from this debilitating loss of eyesight, and in some cases, it can be prevented.

So why not protect your eyes?

I have talked to many clients who swear by taking extra vitamins to help preserve their eyesight, even after the degenerative process has begun.

There are "healthy eyesight" vitamins in the drug store, health food market and on-line.

How would you know which one to take?

Well, when my eyesight started to fade, I found a really good whole food supplement specifically for the eyes that has lots of A, C, E and zinc.

I'm sure it has helped.

I also never go out with out sunglasses, even on cloudy days.

I found a very light lens with UV protection for those cloudy days, and "normal" sunglasses (meaning dark) for sunny days.

I wear eye protection no matter what the weather, and I always carry a Sun Protection Umbrella with me if I plan to be outside more than a few minutes.

An umbrella carried in sunny weather is referred to as a parasol, and it protects your eyes and your skin.

These are just three simple things I have learned to help protect my eyesight, as I would like to keep it for all my life!

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Dec 19, 2008
protect your eyes
by: Anonymous

Are you saying that the the sun can harm your eyes? Can you state some proof of this?

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