Swim Shirt Benefits

by Catherine Wacheke
(Kenya, Africa)

Swim shirts are protective shirts worn on the upper body when swimming outdoors.

They prevent sun damage to your skin. The best ultraviolet protection factor (upf) is above 30.

It is highly recommended to wear one when swimming in the sun, because sunscreen may not be as effective when exposed to water or chlorine.

Swim shirts are designed to be form fitting and thus they do not restrict movement in the water.

With swim shirt you do not need to apply any sunscreen except in areas of your body that are left exposed.

Swim shirts protect your skin from;

• Severe sunburn

Skin cancer

• Premature aging caused by overexposure to the sun

It is best to buy those made by reputable companies that endorse the UPF rating system.

Some of these international companies include names such as Speedo, Sportif, and RailRiders. Surf shirts happen to be the most popular type of swim shirts.

They are long sleeved and they also cover the neck. There are also swim shorts on hand which can be bought to match the shirt.

Swim shirts are durable and can last several seasons and there exists models for men, women and kids.

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