Vintage Lace Sun Protection Hat

by Duvessa
(El Paso, TX, USA)

Last summer my mom gave me the best gift because she knew I liked spending time outside in my garden and I love her to death for it.

She gave me the cutest Victorian style lace sun protection hat with purple ribbons and a cute white carnation on it.

I was so excited to get that gift because I knew that I had to take care of my skin when I was outside and I did not want to wear a baseball cap at all.

The old saying is right mother does know best and she really knows me and my style. I couldn't have picked out a better hat myself.

I don't know where she found it but I am so very glad that she did because it protects my face and skin while looking absolutely stunning.

No boyish baseball hats for me this coming summer just beautiful Victorian style.

Now all I need is the matching lace Sun Protection Umbrella and the fluffy dress to be a beautiful southern bell.

I can't wait to get the full outfit for a costume party this year.

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