Vitamin Regimen May Possibly Slow the Progression of Macular Degeneration

by Deanna
(Raleigh, NC, USA)

For years my family had noticed that my grandfather wasn’t seeing things as clearly as he once had. He was getting up there in age so we all figured his declining eyesight was just normal aging.

I finally convinced my grandfather to visit his eye doctor just to make sure everything was okay.

He was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration. I did research online and found out that a vitamin regimen could help slow down the progress of Macular Degeneration and could also possibly slightly improve his vision.

I asked my grandfather’s doctor about the information that I’d researched and he told me that the vitamins definitely wouldn’t hurt my grandfather and could possibly help him. His advice was to go ahead and try them.

My grandfather started on the vitamin regimen and about a month later we noticed that my grandfather’s vision seemed to have improved a little.

It’s been a few months and not only has my grandfather’s vision not gotten worse, but it seems to have gotten better.

His vision is by no means normal, but the vitamins have slowed the progress of his disease and improved his vision.

If someone you know suffers from Macular Degeneration ask him or her to talk about this to his or her doctor. If the vitamins are safe for your loved one to take it is certainly worth a try.

It has helped my grandfather quite a bit. I’m so happy that I did the research and found out about this.

New treatment for macular degeneration

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