Summer in Hawaii

by Rebekah
(Chicago, IL, USA)

Summer 2004 was the year I went to Hawaii with my friend and I was determined to become tan.

On a visit to the mall I bought a new swimming suit.

All the suits I owned before were very conservative with a straight neckline.

This swimming suit was bikini style with a low neck line, something my friend encouraged.

My last day in Hawaii, I laid in the sun for many hours. I went in the pool a few times just to get cool and so that my skin would attract the sun.

Without any sunscreen, I can say it was the most burnt I have ever been.

Right in my neckline, which had never seen sun before was so burnt; it hurt to take a shower.

Week after week I kept peeling, and to this day I have a scar from it.

I definitely think I got second degree burn, not the best feeling in the world.


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