Sun Protection

by Elaine
(Manila, Philippines)

I do live near the equator. We only have two seasons, wet and dry. Regardless of the season, most days has the sun beating down on you.

I’ve heard that sun exposure can really damage your skin. So I make sure to use products that offer sun protection. My body lotion has sun protection. So do all my cosmetics.

I don’t really like to wear sun tan lotion. I find it sticky and uncomfortable. That’s why I prefer make up that already has SPF built-in.

I figure I save on having to buy an extra product but I still enjoy the benefit of being protected from sun damage.

I also avoid going out from 10am-3pm. That’s when the sun is at its strongest.

I have the advantage of being able to work on flexible time. So I choose a schedule that has me in the office when the sun is at its highest.

Human Skin

SPF Clothing

Sun Protection Clothing

UV Protective Clothing

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