You Don't Have to Be Bald

by Brent
(New York, NY, USA)

When I was younger, I never wore a sun protection hat. The occasional baseball cap was about the full extent of it.

Of course I would never think of wearing a hat as a way to prevent sunburn on my scalp. I was wrong.

During one summer, I had my hair cut very short (it was the style at the time).

That weekend, I spent the day at the pool. I didn’t wear a hat and never thought of using moisturizer with sunscreen (sunscreen on your head?).

Let me just say that it was the most painful burn I’ve ever had. Not only did it hurt but sleeping was not easy at all.

I’ve learned a few things over the years. Hats not only provide protection from the sun, they also make you feel a bit cooler.

Not having direct sun on your face and has a cooling effect on your whole body.

Depending on the hat design, it can help you see better by keeping some of the brightness away from your eyes.

But keeping the sun away from your sensitive scalp trumps them all!

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