Baguio City and Sunscreen

by Jemmer Pablo
(San Jose, CA, USA)

I lived in Baguio City, Philippines for 3 months just actually spending winter over there because I hated the cold weather during these times in California even though it does not snow in San Jose.

Baguio City is a very cozy, nice and beautiful city on top of the Cordillera Mountains north of Manila.

Its altitude is thousands of feet above sea level and most people will complain how cold it is during winter. Although for me, it is compared to summer in my hometown back in the US.

Most of the time though, the wind is strong and the sky is full of clouds.

But I always apply UV protection and lip gloss as I was informed, UV rays are more powerful in high altitudes and my lips crack if I do not use a lip gloss.

SPF Clothing

Sun Protection Clothing

UV Protective Clothing

Organic Sunscreen

Moisturizer with Sunscreen

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