The Disease that Distorts Us

by Anonymous

One of my relatives suffers from Skin Cancer. She had been suffering from the disease for the past few years.

It is becoming worse all day. It has spread all over her body and it even shows on her face.

The cancer is so ugly and is very painful. She is very conscious of the cancer and would never come out of her room.

The disease has affected her immensely that she is very upset and depressed most of the time.

Skin cancer even though may not be life threatening all the time, but then the suffering is very painful.

There is no complete cure for skin cancer. A person affected with skin cancer can go for plastic surgery so as to change or repair the affected part.

Using good sun protection clothing or organic sunscreen can give you protection from the harmful UV rays emitted from the sun as a result preventing skin cancer caused due to UV rays.

Always prevention is better than cure.

Prevention of Skin Cancer

Signs of Skin Cancer

First Signs of Skin Cancer

Squamous Cell Skin Cancer

History of Skin Cancer

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