Backyard Obstacle Course

by Angie
(Twinsburg, OH)

As a kid, we lived in the country and didn't have a lot of access to swimming pools, parks, basketball courts, gymnasiums, etc.

We had to create our own activities so our imagina-tion came into play regularly.

One of the most enjoyable memories that I have in relation to outdoor games and activities for kids is our backyard obstacle courses.

My brother and sister and I (as well as the occa-sional visiting friend) would find whatever we could around the yard and barn to create a challenging obstacle course.

We'd use tires, chairs, rope, saw horses, baseball bats, etc., to create a maze of activities that we had to maneuver through as quickly as possible.

We'd then take turns timing each other as we swung, crawled under, raced around, hopped through and climbed whatever challenging maze we had designed that day.

Whoever made it through with the fastest time was deemed the winner and champion for that day.

When I think back on those days, I can't help but laugh. We got plenty of exercise, enjoyed some friendly competition, used our creative imagination and it didn't even cost our parents a single cent.

That's what I call the "good old days!"

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