Cozy Windows and Tinted Glass Walls

by Jemmer Pablo
(San Jose, CA, USA)

I did not know then that the sun’s UV rays can be harmful to furniture, draperies, even floors and walls if they are exposed to sunlight regularly.

It is probably why my grandparents’ house looks older than what it should look like, if only they knew better then.

My interior designer Leo who is also my friend, advised me to buy uv window film or solar film.

Of course I allowed him to install and don’t know if he earned commission from it aside from his fees.

I, of course feel a little more secure about my furniture and draperies nowadays because of this idea.

Although the only thing that I can see visually for now is that the whole place became cozier due to the tinted glass walls and windows.

Perhaps, I would have to wait a long time before I can say my furniture never fades because of this.

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