Cupidas Taking a Bath

by Jemmer Pablo
(San Jose, CA, USA)

My friend Lhina who lives in Monterey, California is a very UV rays conscious mother.

I guess it was simply because of advertising bombardment about the sun’s dangerous rays and UV products.

Plus the fact that they live near the beach, hence she’s so much into these things.

I always hear her say “UV this…”, “UV that…” all the time although I get used to it by now.

One time though, I noticed how cute my “nieces” looked when we were having a picnic on their beach front house.

They were wearing colorful girls swimming suits and how cute they looked shining like little cupidas.

They only need wings that flap on their backs with bows and arrows and they would have a complete “bathe with the cupidas” scenario.

Of course my friend have said that she bought those swimsuits online because the details on the UV stuff were promising and I simply replied with a “…but of course!”

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