Family History of Skin Cancer

by Rebecca Cawley
(Philadelphia, PA, USA)

My mother, grandmother, uncle and Dad have all had some form of Skin Cancer. Luckily for our family all were detected early enough to remove the cancer from the skin.

It is scary for me because I love to lay out in the sun! This is how my grandmother and mother both got skin cancer. It can be dealt with quite easily if it is detected in time.

My mother discovered this first hand when she married her first husband before my father. He had Malignant Melanoma and neither one of them were aware of it.

My mother said it was like any normal day and suddenly he was not able to talk and had trouble even putting a simple sentence together.

When she took him to the hospital the next day the doctors told them it would be too late. That the cancer had went into the bloodstream.

They had no idea what was going on until the doctor mentioned Skin Cancer Melanoma. He passed away 2 weeks later.

What happened was that he had a mole that was changing color and getting bigger. He didn't think anything of it.

It is tragic how this happened and has made me aware of what can really happen if we don't check our bodies from unusual discoloration in order to protect our skin from the harmful sun.

Melanoma Skin Cancer

Malignant Melanoma Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer Melanoma

Skin Cancer Moles

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