Indoor Games for Kids to Keep Them Occupied

by Sonica
(New Delhi, India)

I have a son who is always restless. I buy him new toys which he uses for a couple of days and then gets bored with them.

I had enough of toys and such useless things, when I decided to buy him some board games.

I started off with puzzle sets where you have to fix four or five pieces to make a meaningful object.

The puzzle even had spellings at the bottom of each piece, thus helping my son to identify new objects.

I next got him a wonderful seven-in-one board game which has seven different games. These games are simple ranging from snakes and ladders, tick-tac-toe, ludo, chess, and many more.

These games keep my son happy as he has something new to play each time. Moreover, when he plays with his friends, there are no fights for the same toy, as two or more kids can play these board games.

I have even bought some educational games which help him with spellings and sentence construction.

He is happy to learn new things as he thinks that he is playing a game. I manage to teach him new things and make the learning process enjoyable.

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