Indoor Kids Games Are Fascinating

by Vijay Murali
(Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India)

There are many indoor games that I have played throughout my teenage years some of which I continue to play even today.

First there are many board games like snake and ladder, Ludo, and Monopoly which help us pass time in a jolly and entertaining way.

Monopoly has fascinated me from a very young age and gives all of us an insight into business.

Some other games are Othello and literati which are also pretty entertaining.

Two other games which interest me even now are carrom and Chess.

Chess is an interesting game with lots of brain involved. It’s a sport which helps our intellect and makes our mind sharper than ever.

It is a two player game with one having white coins and other having black, and the white player gets to start first.

There are 8 pawns, 2 knights, 2 bishops, 2 rooks, a king and queen per set where the queen has the maximum power on the board.

It is a board of 64 squares alternating black and white.

The other game Carrom is a 4 player game where two players on opposite sides get to form a team.

One team has to finish the white coins and the other team black coins.

Overall, indoor kids games are fascinating and give us a good opportunity to sharpen skills.

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