Saved by the Patio Umbrella

by Eric
(Texas, USA)

My wife and I went to a resort on the Texas Gulf Coast one year.

We were celebrating our third wedding anniversary and our first time away from the kids.

We were at a Mexican restaurant eating on the patio. The sun was out and we were the only ones on the patio with our Patio umbrella open.

The hostess, the waiter, the busboy and the person that brings the chips all asked if they could pull down our umbrella.

People would walk by and joke about how we're supposed to get sun on the coast, not shade.

A few minutes later a seagull flew over the patio and dropped their bird pooh right on our umbrella.

If it had not have been there, we would have had a little extra topping on our enchiladas.

It remains to this day, one of the funniest stories that we have on that little vacation we had taken.

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