Sun Allergies

by Catherine Wacheke
(Kenya, Africa)

Sun allergies occur on parts of the body that are not exposed often to the sun. The skin on the face is not highly likely to be affected.

Common symptoms are; itching, redness and hives on exposed skin. The itching may subside a few hours after one has moved away from the sun.

This type of allergy is set off by changes that occur on the skin upon exposure to the suns rays.

The immune system sees them as strange and the body mounts a defence against them. The exposed skin then gets a rash or a kind of skin flare-up.

For Treatment of mild rashes one can use an anti-itch skin cream containing cortisone, or an over the counter anti-histamine.

Severe cases require medical attention for prescription -strength antihistamine or corticosteroid cream.

By avoiding the specific chemical that activates the sun allergy most people can be cured.

It is recommended to regularly apply sunscreen and wear sun protective clothing when going out in the sun.

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