Swim Shirts
A New Trend and A Great Parental Tool

by Daisy
(Lufkin, TX, USA)

Last summer I started to notice that almost all the boys, and many for the girls were starting to wear rash guards, or swim shirts. It is a new style that a protective mother like myself is very happy to for a couple of reasons.

First of all, swim shirts are a great way to protect your child's (or your own) skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

Swim shirts can block out just as much sun as spf 50 sunscreen, and you don't have to worry about all the chemicals, alergic reactions, reapplying, etc... it's just so much easier!

It is so important to keep our children's skin safe from the sun to avoid early aging, and potential skin cancer in their future.

I believe my kids will someday thank me for being so careful with their skin before they were old enough to understand and do it for themselves.

The second reason I love the new swim shirt trend is because they are so much more modest. I like my kids, both boys and girls, to be well covered when swimming in public because you can never be too cautious when it comes to child predators.

If my children are more covered up that other children, chances are a child predator would choose to look and think thoughts about the other children and not my own.

It is sad that the world works that way these days, but it is something we as parents need to take precautions for.

Not only are swim shirts a very stylish new look these days, they are also a great tool for parents.

A cute (or cool) looking swim shirt can make a child happy about his/her fashion statement while also helping parents care for his/her skin, and keep him/her modest and therefore more safe from child predators.

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