Two Straps Are Better Than One!

by Anonymous

This is not a review of a particular swimming costume, but a warning to all adults who could be buying kids swimwear for children.

Aged 13, I was bought a swimming costume that had a strap that looped over my neck to hold it up. It was bought without my knowledge so I hadn't tried it on prior to my misadventure.

It was all well and good for keeping me covered up, but one day into my surfing holiday, I began getting stiffness and horrendous pains in my lower back and neck.

After several days of not being able to sit up properly and struggling to find what was behind the problem (jellyfish sting, air bed, ground too lumpy - I was camping).

I came to the conclusion the root cause must have been the swimming costume (I hadn't worn it before the holiday), so I bought another one with two straps (the type where a strap goes over each shoulder).

After several days the pain was completely gone and I could carry on surfing happily.

The lesson to be learnt is "Let your child try before they buy, but don't remove the gusset piece"!

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