Babies Need Shades Too

by Brent
(New York, NY, USA)

There’s nothing cuter than seeing an infant or toddler wearing baby sunglasses.

That’s because it’s not as common of a sight on babies as it is on older children and adults.

But just like the others, babies need to have their eyes shielded from the sun.

Especially since they can’t communicate to tell you the sun’s bothering them.

We tend to use hats or stroller covers when we take them out.

That helps, but ultraviolet rays are very strong and can easily penetrate those coverings.

In fact, an infant’s eyes are more susceptible to damage from UV rays than an older child or adult is.

When purchasing sunglasses, you should look for lenses that offer complete UV protection (it will say so on the tag or lens sticker).

Cheap or gimmicky sunglasses won’t offer any protection at all.

You don’t have to break the bank to find a pair that will look good and give your infant the benefits of eye protection and glare relief.

Another important factor is how well they’ll stay on. Most are designed with that in mind so they should fit comfortably and not slip off.

And yes, babies like to take them off or throw them. But after wearing them for a while, they won’t want to leave home without them!

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