Board Shorts, Ahoy!

by Joseph
(British Columbia, Canada)

Board shorts are my favorite thing to wear in the summer, and even around the house.

They're comfortable, stylish, colorful, and practical. Whether you're going down to the beach, for a walk, or playing a game of soccer, you can't go wrong wearing board shorts.

In fact, as crazy as it sounds, I was wearing board shorts when I met the love of my life.

I'd like to take full credit for this myself, but I must say I have to give credit where credit is due.

You see, from the moment I first donned my first pair of board shorts, it just felt right.

I never thought a simple garment could change the way I felt so drastically, but in my board shorts I was loose, funny, and confident.

If I wasn't dressed in my nice navy blue and white board shorts, feeling and looking like a million bucks, that lovely gal may not have taken notice of me the way she did, and I might still be looking for the love of my life.

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