Everyone Wins

by Anita

I don’t know if I am a particularly easy to bully person, but my son has never allowed me to wear my sunglasses in peace, ever since he learnt to grab.

Depending on the day and the urgency of our trip, this would lead to big fights, tantrums (mine and his) or mostly me just resigning myself to squinting in the sun.

That is, until one day when we were browsing in a store and came upon these really cute goggles- you know the kind with the little cartoon characters on the bridge of the nose.

Well, my son loved it, so I bought him the pair. I must confess I bought it just to pacify him; sun protection was not on my mind at all.

I kept his goggles with mine, in the glove compartment of my car. So now next time I got into the car, I first put his goggles on for him, and then went ahead and put on mine.

He spent the first part of the journey removing his own goggles, and let me wear mine in peace. I was just so happy – no more squinting in the sun for me.

Slowly, he started getting more conscious of the designs, and he wanted goggles that looked like his dads. It’s only when I started looking amongst the baby sunglasses that I realized the variety available, and got aware of sun protection for kids.

The second pair I bought was slightly more expensive but I was more satisfied knowing it would be giving my kid more protection from the sun.

Oh the small victories on the tough path of parenting!!!

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Dec 28, 2009
good one
by: Anonymous

fantastic article
from the heart.

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