Fair Skin and Regrets

by Holly

Even though I am quite young, only in my early twenties, I am already beginning to see the damage the sun has done to my skin.

Brown spots, moles that are irregular shapes and those tiny red dots seem to be all over my skin.

While I never worshiped the sun or overused tanning beds, I regret not being careful with exposure.

I am grateful to a mother who at least would not spring for weekly trips for me to lie in a tanning bed and destroy my healthy skin cells.

I do wish I would have put sunscreen on daily as I now stress and wonder could I have skin cancer melanoma like some of my friends?

It is something almost all of fair skinned people must face at some point in our lives.

I just try to now to always remember the sunscreen until there is something else to save our precious white skin!

Organic Sunscreen

Moisturizer with Sunscreen

SPF Clothing

Sun Protection Clothing

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