My Cousin and Basal Cell Carcinoma

by Jemmer Pablo
(San Jose, CA, USA)

My cousin who is now in her mid 40s has Basal Cell Carcinoma or Basal Skin Cancer.

She had Mohs Skin Cancer Surgery a year ago but now it has come back and we are all worried about her.

Her doctor said that only one to ten percent have cases that came back after surgery and my cousin was one of them.

She was diagnosed to have this cancer a couple of months before her operation and was promised to be cured after the surgery but alas, she did not belong to the successful ones who went to the knife as she did.

We are very upset about the return of her cancer but the only thing we can do is pray for her.

Of course this situation has made all relatives to be more protective on their skins whenever they are exposed with the sun especially during hot summer.

One will always be reminded with “remember what happened to Olive?” whenever a relative just don’t care to apply a UV protection lotion during beach times in Monterey, California.

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