My Son's Sun Suit

by Colin Jones
(Mount Forest, ON, Canada)

My family has a history of skin cancer so proper sun safety is a top priority for us.

But with an infant applying sun screen can be very difficult.

At the beach it’s almost impossible to sun screen a child without coating them in uncomfortable sand.

That's why my wife and I were delighted to find the One-Piece Long-Sleeved infant swimwear.

It’s essentially a jump suit that offers the equivalent of 50+ UPF rating over the covered area.

The suit extends pass the knees and elbows, and well up the neck.

This leaves the hands, feet and head exposed, but sun screening those areas is much easier as the infant can lay down without being rolled.

Another bonus to this product is that it helps keep him warm.

Since it’s much less cumbersome than swimming suits, we even use it at indoor pools in the winter.

The fabric is very stretchy which makes it easy to get on over a bathing diaper.

We liked this product so much that we bought a second suit when he out grew the first. The company also makes shirts for larger children.

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