Protect Your Baby's Eyes

by Steve

Dear Moms, Dads and everybody,

I will begin by saying that 80% of your information is received by your eyes.

Now you have an extra reason to take care of your children’s eyes.

Many baby sunglasses come in nice colors, fashionable and super attractive styles, displayed in handy places in the supermarkets or shops.

This doesn’t mean they are also good for their eyes.

Most of the lens, the most important part, are produced from doubtful material, low quality level and no UV rating certification.

For their developing eye those products are like a long lasting poison.

In a short time after wearing them, sight troubles can appear such as:

> Double sight
> Weak adaptation to close and far seeing
> Head aches
> Black points
> Low adaptation light-dark

After having those symptoms the next step is to wear permanent prescription eye glasses.

This will probably be true for the rest of their lives.

For most patients the sight gets worse and worse every year. So, protect your kids’ eyes with authorized UV sunglasses under medical supervision.

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