The Real Truth in Solar Film Application

by Anonymous

Ever since I can remember, my father has been in the construction field nearly 30+ years.

In one of his many jobs that I assisted him with, he tasked my older brother and I to complete a job in tinting several large windows for a client of his.

The windows must have measured 4-5’ in length and 4-5’ in width.

Now mind you, my brother and I had never put up any sort of uv protection window film in our lives, much less know what solar film even looked like outside of the traditional tinted windows on a car.

Nonetheless, after my brother and I measured the windows, we headed down to the local hardware store and purchased the number of boxes needed to satisfy the measurements.

Still hesitant about the job, I grabbed one of the solar film boxes and started reading the instructions, which pictured a cheeseburger smiling man applying the solar tint.

When we got back to the job site, my brother and I pulled the solar tint out of the box and like the instructions said, began to apply it to the windows.

Boy, were we in for a long day. First and foremost, neither the instructions nor my dad informed us of the delicacy of the solar film, which if creased, will show up on the window like sore thumb.

In addition, applying the pre cut window tint to the window requires more than just one person, as well as sheer precision.

With just our hands, several gallons of glass cleaner and razor blades, my brother and I were able to complete the job but much longer than what my dad had bid the job for.

The end result was successful but I will never ever apply solar film to my home without the correct tools.

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