A Man and his Rash Guard

by Christian
(Cherry Hill, NJ, United States)

I never heard of a rash guard until my wife and I took the kiddo to the Virgin Islands.

The kid wanted to go snorkeling and learn to surf and I was all about taking him out.

However I never knew anything about the proper gear. To me, a snorkel, a surf board and some sun screen was all you need.

Our instructor informed us all about the dangers of the sun, water and rocks. He showed us some basic rash guards, informing us about the UPF rating, the color and how it reflects the temperature in the sun.

There was a weight factor due to thickness of the material for some companies. I was surprised there was a lot that went into this.

Much more than I would have given it credit for. Finding a good Rash Guard can be difficult.

Especially for the young but they do make them. It wasn’t easy mind you. The kid was happy with about anything and even found the Rash Guard fun and compared it to Storm Trooper armor.

For me on the other hand this would be more of a challenge. Rash Guards are expensive to say the least or so I think, I’ve never paid more than 8-10 dollars for a shirt.

After looking around town I found a brand by Primal Wear, they make an amazing Pink Floyd, Darkside of the Moon rash guard!

As a huge fan of that rock band I simply had to have that. Surprisingly enough the rash guard was form fitting and comfortable.

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