Acne Solution

by Kelly Borntrager
(Milan, IN, USA)

Ever since I was a teenager, I have dealt with horrible acne.

My face would break out constantly, and my mother tried every type of product that you could buy at the store.

It wasn’t until I was 22 and getting ready to get married that I finally broke down and ordered Proactive skin care products from one of their commercials.

I had heard about it, but I really didn’t want to spend that much money on a skin care product.

When I called though, it wasn’t as much as I thought it would be.

They also told me that they would go ahead and keep shipping the product to me every month until I decided to cancel it.

I received it in the mail a couple of weeks later and immediately tried it.

Within a few weeks my skin was completely acne free, and I was ready for my close up wedding photos!

It was probably one of the best investments that I’ve ever made. I’m still using the product to this day.

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