Effects of UV Rays and Preventions

by Shane

Ultra Violet rays come from the sun. These rays are very harmful to the living things of our planet.

The ozone layer protects from the harmful effects of UV rays. Since, the decay in the ozone layer, we have become vulnerable to UV rays.

There are three types in UV rays and they are; UVA, UVB and UVC. Here, UVA and UVB are considered to be harmful.

UVA rays create problems related to eyes and skin such as cataracts, premature age of skin, wrinkling, making skin inflexible, itchy red rashes on skin, sun allergy and causing side effects to drugs.

UVB rays mainly cause skin cancer. The fearful fact about UV rays is that once they cause damage, it cannot be rectified.

Thus, the prevention is better than the cure. There are many ways and products which help in protecting our body from the harmful UV rays.

Avoiding overexposure to sun, wearing maximum clothes and using uv window film are the ways in order to protect our body.

We can also protect our body by using some products which have Sun Protection Factor (SPF) such as sun screens, lubricants, sunless tanners and stains.

By taking these measures we can protect our bodies from the harmful UV Rays.

Human Skin

UV Index

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