My Brother Had Skin Cancer

by Dee
(Canton, Ohio, USA)

Four years ago my brother called and told me that he had a medical appointment. He was going to Cleveland to see a specialist. He said he’d talk to me about it later.

My brother has never been secretive about anything in his entire life, so I knew it was something serious. A few days later he sat my mother and me down to give us the news.

He had Skin Cancer.

The doctors believed that everything would turn out fine and that the cancer could be completely removed.

They would have to remove an area of skin and tissue on his back a couple inches across and it would be pretty deep.

He developed skin cancer from spending so much time in the sun throughout his life. He loves the outdoors & would always be in the sun without a sun protection shirt and without sunscreen.

Thankfully the doctors did the surgery and it was a complete success. He is cancer free today and a lot more sensible about the time that he spends in the sun.

He now uses the best sunscreen daily and always keeps his shirt on even on the hottest days of summer on order to limit his sun exposure.

Also, he always has a doctor do a full skin check every six months. He was lucky that he noticed something wasn’t right and got to a specialist right away, and that surgery was an option.

Now he is always reminding all of our family to use sunscreen and to limit our exposure to the sun.

Skin Cancer Research

Skin Cancer Signs

Skin Cancer Surgeon

Skin Cancer Warning Signs

Squamous Cell Skin Cancer

Symptoms of Skin Cancer

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