Skin Cancer

by Blaj Gabriel
(Bucharest Romania)

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

Until last year I was desperate for the sun ... sat so much and had a superb bronze, although I have light skin color with blonde hair and blue eyes.

I stayed under the sun only in the morning and in the evening and I used lotion with SPF 8 or sometimes 10.

My parents took me to the beach when I was one year old, for the first time and after that every year at least once.

But during the last six years I was at the beach twice during summer and stayed for at least ten days every time.

I love the sun and sea like a crazy lady. But last year during winter time, I said FINISH.


Because I got to see my doctor and what I found...I had skin cancer. So I had to have an operation.

Now the sun has become the most ferocious enemy of me.

All summer, I was again at the beach because I had already arranged it for the holidays. However, I stayed only in the shade.

I applied an all day cream with SPF 60, with sunglasses and hats the whole day.... So that was my holiday this year and though I was not really doing so bad since I had not seen the sun.

What we do not know is that the sun has become very dangerous while we still like to have a beautiful bronze skin tone. But we do not know what adverse consequences involve exposure to the sun.

I think it's more important to us than to sit in the sun for a bronze that we are provided for a few weeks. Especially now that there are so many creams with the bronze effect which give us as nice of a tan during any period of the year.

Prevention of Skin Cancer

Signs of Skin Cancer

First Signs of Skin Cancer

Squamous Cell Skin Cancer

History of Skin Cancer

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