Thank Goodness for Aloe!

by Anonymous
(United Kingdom)

I’m naturally a tan person, so one day I thought, why am I even bothering with sunscreen? I never burn! That same day we went to the beach.

I decided not to go through the mess and hassle of wearing sunscreen. I paid for it dearly.

After falling asleep in the sun for a short hour, I woke up with the worst sunburn that I have ever seen, and certainly that I have ever felt.

Every part of my body that had been exposed was lobster red and painful to the touch.

All I could do was moan on the drive home, and crawl into bed when we finally got there.

Thankfully, we had a huge bottle of aloe vera, which I had never needed before but (thankfully) discovered that day.

It was such a nice feeling, like ice over the burns. It helped me heal, certainly, but more than that it soothed the pain. It is by far the best treatment for any sunburn.

Sun Allergy

Human Skin

UV Index

UV Rays

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