UV Index and Benefits

by Johnathon Mackin
(Jacksonville, North Carolina, USA)

The UV index is a linear scale index ranging from 0 to potentially infinity.

0 of the UV index is the lowest at night and normally the highest being reported for solar noon.

The advantage and benefit of the UV index is the numerical representation of the number scale. The higher the number in the UV index the greater the danger.

Each number has a corresponding recommendation of protection for instance:

0-2 wears eye protection, use skin protection if there is snowfall on the ground, which reflects UV radiation, or if you have particularly fair skin.

3-5 wear eye protection and use skin protection, cover the body with clothing and a hat, and seek shade around solar noon when the UV Index is the highest.

The scale graduates in this manor up to 11+ where it stops.

Although there are benefits to UV radiation such as vitamin d production, fluorescent lamps, sterilization, pest control, spectrophotometer, photolithography, in genetics, sun tanning.

Sun Allergy

Human Skin

UV Rays

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