My First Experience with Basal Cell Carcinoma

by Susan Williams
(Phoenix, AZ, USA)

I first learned about Basal Skin Cancer when I was about 45 years old.

I had a sore on my eyelid - actually right between my eyebrow and eyelid.

I thought at first that it was just a pimple but after a few weeks I noticed that it would scap over and then when I washed my face it would come off and just bleed a little but it never really healed.

I started to research this on the internet and found a picture that looked exactly like what I had on my eyelid.

I made an appointment with a dermatologist, because from the picture I thought it looked like basal cell cancer, and wasn't surprised when it turned out to be just that.

The removal was pretty scary because it was so close to my eye.

Skin Cancer Cells

Skin Cancer Doctor

Skin Cancer Facts

Skin Cancer from Tanning Beds

Skin Cancer in Dogs

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