Skin Cancer in Birth Marks

by John Capra
(Chicago, IL, USA)

When I was in the 11th grade I had a few birth marks that started to change.

They grew and grew as if some one had spilled ink on my skin so my mother took me to see a doctor.

He immediately sent me to a Skin Cancer Doctor that realized these were Early Signs of Skin Cancer and told me they would have to be removed.

I was young but I was assured that finding these tumors early was the best defense against skin cancer.

I had three birth marks that needed to be removed and examined to see if in fact I did have skin cancer. There was a chance these could be benign I was told by my doctor.

After the surgery test were ran on the birth marks they took out of me and it turns out the Skin Cancer Cells had started to multiply in these spots.

Luckily for me we were able to remove the tumors completely before they were able to spread.

Since then I have semi annual check ups where a Doctor looks over my birth marks to make sure there are no negative signs.

I am now 24 and have had no re-occurrence thankfully.

I try as much as possible to stay out of the sun or use sun block clothing if I am going to be outside for a prolonged period of time. A piece of advice I was given after surgery.

SPF Clothing

Sun Protection Clothing

Skin Cancer Surgeon

Skin Cancer Warning Signs

Skin Cancer Facts

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